Sunday, April 4, 2021

new hellos

 I've always hated introducing myself. Games that are meant to break the ice would always terrify me because I would feel like the most boring person in the world.

But that was always better than actually having to come up with an introduction for myself. My name coming out of my own mouth always felt weird. 

When I got to college, I would introduce myself as "Cecilia, but you can call me Ceci or Cici." Got to give people options on what to call you.

All this to say, I have absolutely no idea how to begin this new introduction. 

Some of you may be following me from my old blog Ceci Creates. Some of you may be new faces. Whoever you are, I give you a hearty welcome and I hope you stay a while. I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do here, what I will post about, how often. 

You may get reviews, rants, life thoughts, who knows. Your guess is as good as mine. But I truly hope we can all become friends. 


  1. Ceci!! I'm delighted that you're starting to blog again! It's great to hear from you!

    1. Hey!! Thank you!! I look forward to getting back into the blogosphere :D

  2. Ceci, hello!! *hugs* It's so good to see you start blogging again!! <3 <3

  3. Hi Ceci! You probably don't know me at all, but I read your old blog for a very long time--I just never technically followed it, or commented.
    So I should probably introduce myself, too: Hi, I'm Samantha!
    And it's really nice to see you blogging again. :)

    1. Hey Samantha! Thank you so much for reading my old blog and coming over here :DD

  4. Hi Ceci! I'm a newer follower, but I love this new blog and design.
